Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Illegal Immigration

Today in class we discussed illegal immigration. Personally I think they should build a 500 foot wall with nails sticking out of it across the border. They have no right to be here. My ancestors had to make their way here with absolutely nothing at one point in time, they should be no different. The other thing about illegal immigration that really pisses me off is when they can't even speak the friggin language. Seriously if you're going to come to America, speak english. If people went to Spain or Italy, they would have to speak Spanish and italian. Since no one conforms to us, we shouldn't have to conform to them. The only other thing that I can think of right now that pisses me off about immigrants is that a woman can come into the United States, illegally of course, and then have a kid here and he's going to be considered a citizen of the United Sates. Um did I miss something? Odds are his mother can't even speak english but since she gave birth in the U.S. the kid is considered a citizen, because that's cool. Anyway that kid will most likely go to college and when he does he is going to be competing with kids like myself. Since colleges want diversity they are going to pick the minority instead of you. That really friggin pisses me off to no end actually. It's not fair and it's not right.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Thirty something days left

It occurred to me today that I am really bored in school. I mean I usually am bored but this is a different type of boredom. I am bored because no one is actually doing anything anymore. My teachers gave up on us. Think about it pottery is obviously pottery. Math he talks for about 20 minutes review homework, gives homework, and then we get to do the homework in class, english - yeah she pretty much gave up on us, tech theatre build for the play (sometimes), then dance and gym. Kind of stupid to actually be in school when you think about it.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Whatever." She thought as she carelessly tossed her phone on her bed. It was close to midnight and she had to be up early to go to school. As she was putting her stuff together it became more and more apparent that the phone wasn't going to ring. She didn't get it. He always called. That's what they did. Talk, get into an argument, fight then hang up and he'd call back, apologizing. That night as she crawled into bed she didn't put her phone on silence. When she woke up the next morning still nothing. As she drove to school she thought more and more about it but she couldn't call him, she couldn't let him know that she actually cared whether he was talking to her or not. School ended. She went out to her car; she hesitated for a moment before she looked at her phone. One missed call and one new voicemail.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I realized that people who cheat suck. I mean come on is it seriously that hard to study for a test. It's not even that kind of cheating anyway. It could be cheating in sports. For example, blowing off practice or going to practice and doing nothing because it's only a captain's practice and the coaches aren't there. It's not that hard to jog a warm up mile, its really not, especially since you've been doing this for three weeks now. Then do nothing as everyone else is stretching. It's also not that hard to jog a cool down mile either. It aggravates me how people think that they can take the easy way out without any consequences.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Turning 18

It's my birthday today. I am finally 18. I really don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I realized if I do anything wrong now... I'm sorta screwed. There really isn't any difference between 17 and 18 when you think about it. I don't smoke so buying cigarettes really doesn't apply to me. I guess the only benefit of turning 18 would be able to get into clubs or casinos now. In terms of the law, turning 18 is good because all your offences when you were a minor are now erased but now if you do anything wrong you're tried as an adult which isn't good.