Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Illegal Immigration

Today in class we discussed illegal immigration. Personally I think they should build a 500 foot wall with nails sticking out of it across the border. They have no right to be here. My ancestors had to make their way here with absolutely nothing at one point in time, they should be no different. The other thing about illegal immigration that really pisses me off is when they can't even speak the friggin language. Seriously if you're going to come to America, speak english. If people went to Spain or Italy, they would have to speak Spanish and italian. Since no one conforms to us, we shouldn't have to conform to them. The only other thing that I can think of right now that pisses me off about immigrants is that a woman can come into the United States, illegally of course, and then have a kid here and he's going to be considered a citizen of the United Sates. Um did I miss something? Odds are his mother can't even speak english but since she gave birth in the U.S. the kid is considered a citizen, because that's cool. Anyway that kid will most likely go to college and when he does he is going to be competing with kids like myself. Since colleges want diversity they are going to pick the minority instead of you. That really friggin pisses me off to no end actually. It's not fair and it's not right.


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