Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I joined track for two reasons. One, to lose weight and two, to prove to my parents that I can run better and faster than Karen, my younger sister. Growing up my siblings and I all did the same sports. My two sisters and I did ballet, tap, and gymnastics. My brother did baseball. All four of us played soccer. I always liked soccer and scrimmaging I just never really liked running. I had no clue what a pace was and I had no stanima. Karen did though.
It all started in the middle of the summer. Dad, my brother, my older sister, my younger sister and I went to riverpoint to go play soccer. It was only a little game. The teams were dad, Kristen and Karen verus Keith and I; dad's team won. After the game it was decided that we would have a race. It was only a fourth of a mile around the track. First went dad and Keith, Keith won. Next went Karen and Kristen, Karen won then Kristen and I raced, Kristen won.
On the way home dad told Karen that her pace had increased then he turned and told me that my pace had decreased. I found it kind of amusing in a way. I didn't know your pace could decrease when you don't have one. Even though my dad didn't mean to offend me by that observation he un-knowingly did. It didn't nearly offend me as much as it pissed me off. The rest of the summer I ran almost everyday on the treadmill sometimes 2 miles sometimes 3.
The summer ended and school began. It was my intention to do cross-country but I had screwed up my right foot (once again), so i coulnt do xc. I just figured I would do indoor track but Prout does not offer indoor track because apparently "they do not have the facilities" (Ever heard of the gym to practice?) Anyway spring rolled around and it was time for outdoor track. I tried out with my sister we both made the team, we are both sprinters and we both do the same events.
We were timed on three miles the other day. Karen came in 25.40 and I came in 28.58. Yes, she still beat me but I look at it this way, Karen did track last year and cross-country this year. I've never done track in my life and I only came in 3 minutes after her and I'm faster than her in the 100 and 200 meter dash so really that's all that matters.


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