Thursday, May 25, 2006

I know I promised that I would blog later but I really can't think of anything to write.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

sorry havent posted in a while
promise to later

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I went to my town council's meeting last night. One of the main reasons I went was because of the casino and I wanted to get my vote in that it shouldn't be there. First of all there would be much more traffic and the crime rate would increase...yea that's cool..not. Anyway they didn't even get to that issue. The main issue that was talked about for two hours was the raise in the budget for the school department next year. I technically live in West Warwick but im also on the borderline of East Greenwich. Actually my neighborhood asked to be annexed into East Greenwich but that got declines...whatever that's not the point. The point is that West Wariwick has the highest taxes and most of the money paid to taxes goes to the teachers in the West Warwick school department. The West Warwick School teachers get paid more money than any other school in Rhode Island and that excluding benefits. Of all the people in West Warwick 355 people attended that were registered to vote. Out of the 355 people 207 approved the increase of 2 million dollars bringing the grand total to 43 million dollars to fund the West Warwick schools. Now I looked around the auditorium and saw who was favoring it...most of those people were teachers. I think it's really sad, not to mention stupid, when people of your own friggin community doesnt go to a meeting where they can change something.
In my own opinion this just proves that your vote doesnt count at all

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sorry guys Math Test tomorrow that decides if i take the final exam
I just wanted to add that I dont believe that theres enough evidence that says God exists
So technically I would be considered an atheist.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

coming home from college

I did have a lot of things to write about but then my siblings came home from college and nothing got accomplished mainly because they are so friggin annyoing and no one can concentrate on anything while they are home. I really hate it when they are home especially for the summer. I can take them being home for winter break for like a month because I have the reassurance that they will be gone after that, back at school. Anyway nothing gets accomplished because they are continually coming in and out of the room talking loudly and being stupid. Let me remind you that my brother is currently 21 years old, graduating college going on to grad school and he still is very immature. My older sister is a junior in college. She's not immature but she yells at my brother constantly to stop whatever he is doing and it's jsut really annoying. This will last for a few days before my brother will actually stop being immature and act like a human being. You may ask why my parents dont say anything or tell my brother to stop. Well basically because he is the only boy in the family, the oldest and is loved by everone. He doesnt do any wrong. My parents think he'd the godsend to planet's wonderful that he is just so great.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Useless Facts

Your foot is as big as your elbow to your wrist
Your nose and your ears never stop growing
The left portion of your brain controls the right side of your body and the right portion of your brain controls the left side of your body
The lettuce you buy in the supermarket is washed with chlorine

Monday, May 08, 2006

Today in class we talked about what kind of music we listened to when we were kids. I, like most people, did not get to choose the music, my parents did. Naturally I was listening to 'Lite Rock 105'. As I got older I started to listen to hip hop and now I listen to alternative rock and heavy metal. Nirvana is probably the greatest band of all time. The Offspring is probably next in line then there are other good bands like Boston, Black Sabbath, Three Days Grace and Slipknot. Tenacious D and pantera aren't bad either. I still listen to hip hop too but I don't see what is so great about it, honestly it kind of sucks.
Prout Girls Track got into the Division Championships

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I sat here for a good 20 minutes thinking about something to write
And nothing came to mind

Monday, May 01, 2006

Coventry won the track meet today then Narragansett then Prout and Chariho tied.
As we were running everyone was wondering why the Coventry girls were so strong. It makes me laugh it really does how stupid people can be. At coventry they train year round, those girls run almost everyday with the excpetion of Sunday year round. They go from one sport right to the next. First cross country in the fall right into indoor track then to outdoor track then train ALL summer for cross country, which by the way is not supposed to happen. There is a rule that students can't train all summer at their own school. So instead of running at coventry they run at Goddard. What makes me laugh is that our coaches expect us to have the same results as the coventry team. We have cross country then we have outdoor track. Why don't we have indoor track? Because we "do not have the facilities." Yea okay. Thats cool. So the school can put in tennis courts but can't put in two tracks one infoor one out during its multi-million dollar renovation..... because that makes perfect sense. Anyway we train for for about 5 or 6 months while coventry trains all year round. No wonder why they are stronger and come in higher places than us.
Whatever it doesnt matter anymore
Im tired and im sore im going to bed