Thursday, May 11, 2006

coming home from college

I did have a lot of things to write about but then my siblings came home from college and nothing got accomplished mainly because they are so friggin annyoing and no one can concentrate on anything while they are home. I really hate it when they are home especially for the summer. I can take them being home for winter break for like a month because I have the reassurance that they will be gone after that, back at school. Anyway nothing gets accomplished because they are continually coming in and out of the room talking loudly and being stupid. Let me remind you that my brother is currently 21 years old, graduating college going on to grad school and he still is very immature. My older sister is a junior in college. She's not immature but she yells at my brother constantly to stop whatever he is doing and it's jsut really annoying. This will last for a few days before my brother will actually stop being immature and act like a human being. You may ask why my parents dont say anything or tell my brother to stop. Well basically because he is the only boy in the family, the oldest and is loved by everone. He doesnt do any wrong. My parents think he'd the godsend to planet's wonderful that he is just so great.


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