Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I joined track for two reasons. One, to lose weight and two, to prove to my parents that I can run better and faster than Karen, my younger sister. Growing up my siblings and I all did the same sports. My two sisters and I did ballet, tap, and gymnastics. My brother did baseball. All four of us played soccer. I always liked soccer and scrimmaging I just never really liked running. I had no clue what a pace was and I had no stanima. Karen did though.
It all started in the middle of the summer. Dad, my brother, my older sister, my younger sister and I went to riverpoint to go play soccer. It was only a little game. The teams were dad, Kristen and Karen verus Keith and I; dad's team won. After the game it was decided that we would have a race. It was only a fourth of a mile around the track. First went dad and Keith, Keith won. Next went Karen and Kristen, Karen won then Kristen and I raced, Kristen won.
On the way home dad told Karen that her pace had increased then he turned and told me that my pace had decreased. I found it kind of amusing in a way. I didn't know your pace could decrease when you don't have one. Even though my dad didn't mean to offend me by that observation he un-knowingly did. It didn't nearly offend me as much as it pissed me off. The rest of the summer I ran almost everyday on the treadmill sometimes 2 miles sometimes 3.
The summer ended and school began. It was my intention to do cross-country but I had screwed up my right foot (once again), so i coulnt do xc. I just figured I would do indoor track but Prout does not offer indoor track because apparently "they do not have the facilities" (Ever heard of the gym to practice?) Anyway spring rolled around and it was time for outdoor track. I tried out with my sister we both made the team, we are both sprinters and we both do the same events.
We were timed on three miles the other day. Karen came in 25.40 and I came in 28.58. Yes, she still beat me but I look at it this way, Karen did track last year and cross-country this year. I've never done track in my life and I only came in 3 minutes after her and I'm faster than her in the 100 and 200 meter dash so really that's all that matters.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


In class today we had a discussion about love and what it was. I think love is different for every person. I also believe that you can not fall in love in highschool. In highschool you are infatuated with people or are in lust with someone. I personally think it is ridiculous to say you love someone after going out with them for a week or a month. To love someone you need to see every part of them. The word love is so over-used in highschool. When girls say "I love you" they genuinely believe that they do love the person (or can't see it's only infautation.) More than ninety percent of the time when guys say "I love you" it's because they want action basically and figure well it's worked in the past it should work now too. And they say girls are manipulative.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The effects of sleep

I have just realized how sleep deprived I am. I get about 3 to 4 hours of sleep every night. It's not because I got to bed late, well that may be part of the problem but, it's because I just can't fall asleep at night. Sleep has a very interesting effect on people. I am so slap happy when I come into school on thursday usually because I am so overtired it just becomes amusing after a while. It's really funny because on the days that I do get to sleep at a normal time it seems like I am more tired. I read something once it said that "you can never make up lost sleep." I don't see how that's possible but whatever. To actually write about that statement that would require a thought process and I am just too tired.
Have you ever noticed if one person does something wrong sooner or later another person gets the punishment too? For example, your siblings, if your older brother or sister does something wrong like miss their curfew you get an earlier one too even though it had nothing to do with you. Or if you are on a team and people do not do the workout correctly or do it half-assed the entire team suffers because of one stupid person. A person would think that if they joined a club or an activity they would actually want to participate in it and not just go through the motions. What is the point in saying you did something and really you did nothing?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


A guy and a girl can never be just friends after they have broken up. Eighty percent of the time the relationship does not end in a pleasant way. One percent of the time relationships actually ends okay but they do not remain in contact. For the other nineteen percent of the time relationships end in a mutual consent that they dont have anything in common anymore and want to see other people but agree to remain friends. Even if the guy/girl does not admit it they are pissed off at the other person, not for having nothing in common anymore but because of the feelings that they once felt when they were with that person. After you end a relationship it takes time to just get over the person. So for the next few days you are constantly with your best friends going out trying to have fun to make yourself forget what happened and what went wrong. After you realize it's over there is the classic rebound meant to purposely hurt your ex. It lasts for about a month or so then it ends and suddenly you're fine again. It's kind of weird how that works. The truth is a guy and a girl can never be just friends. At one point in that relationship one person is attracted to the other.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Away Messages

I love away messages. Especially if you have annoying friends, the away message works wonders. You just put it up and talk to who you want to. This may seem kind of cruel, they are your friends right? Well I am sorry, but I don't need to know that your index finger hurts. I don't care either. I realize that sometimes people don't have anything to say and that's fine, but don't talk about something idiotic to keep the conversation going because most likely you will feel like you are talking to a brick wall. It's just going to be a one-sided conversation with yourself. The other thing I don't get is why people ask "Who are you talking to?" Honestly, why do you care? Im talking to you that's really all you need to know. It's not any of your business who I am or who i'm not talking to. The only thing I don't like about away messages is if you are talking to people and someone you don't want to talk to IM's you its just annoying you were typing something and now you're typing something in their box it's confusing too, I don't like it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Track started today. I tried out along with 20 other girls, practice went okay until the last mile jog. I was an idiot and forgot to bring jogging pants so I was running in a sweatshirt and shorts. I was freezing and it started snowing. I lost my pace during the first half mile. And for about two minutes I was walking thinking about how much I suck at life. Why was running so difficult today? I run everyday regardless if there is practice or not. Then I thought screw it because I just didn't care anymore. I started running again and finally made it to the end point where Gibbs was waiting at the finish mark with his stupid little stop watch. I made an okay time, but I was still mad at myself for not making a better time. Practice finally ended. I was in a little bit of pain I must admit and now I get to redo the entire thing tomorrow.

Monday, March 13, 2006

High School

I hate highschool and don't get the point of it. It's useless really. We sit in a classroom for forty-five minutes, sometimes an hour, while teachers drill useless information that we will never need in life into our brains. If you ask me, highschool should prepare you for college. I really dont think the school does a great job of that to be honest. All we are taught in school is how to examine something in one way, shape or form and never look at it from a different point of view because that would require giving your opinion and voice and basically students just dont matter to the administration.
Another thing I really hate about highschool are the people in it. I get so aggravated everyday. I will be happy when I graduate and never see them again. Most people think Im so quiet and everything is just great. The truth is that if I told people what I really thought of them I don't think I would be allowed to go to the school anymore. So a smile and a nod usually does it for me.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I Hate winter

I hate winter. When you think about it there is no point in the season. It's cold and depressing. Everyone loves summer. What isn't fair is that winter likes to play a cruel trick on us thinking its finally spring. For example, this weekend, it was about sixty degrees and sunny now on friday we're supposed to be getting snow? How is that fair? That's just stupid. Summer should be an all-year round season.